Adobe Max 2021 couldn’t have come at a more perfect time this year. A lot of people working from home were able to easily tune in this year and reap the benefits of what Adobe was giving us. Adobe Max is a FREE online learning convention for animators, strategists, marketers, designers and more. After making an Adobe Max account you have the ability to select all the seminars and classes that peak your interest, it generates you a schedule with reminders and you get to keep these videos to watch on-demand for 12 months.
Our team took time this year to dive in to what Adobe Max had to offer. Our head of production, Julian Pace, dove into the Must-Know Social Media Marketing Techniques – S506 discussed with Phil Pallen.
“Social media can be overwhelming when wanting to grow your personal brand. There are a variety of places where you can show up to reach audiences but the main questions for me has been the “where?” and “how?”. Instagram is a platform that small and big businesses can generate growth with and my goal from this seminar was to feel more comfortable with growing my own personal platform. The big thing I learned here was to understand my audience and curate content for them and their needs but if you don’t even have an audience that’s perfectly fine. Generate content to the audience you wish to reach. A very good tip from Phil was to give your expertise within your posts. Give your take on certain subjects and break down your work for the audience you’re looking to reach because this is what/who you are to the core and there is no right or wrong answer here. Try to give your audience content where they can learn something and find value from it and come back to it again and again or even better, sharing it with others.”
Christopher Coley, our lead designer, picked out Effectively Creating for Brands on Social Media – S502 as his favorite part of Adobe Max.
“It was general knowledge but good for a refresher. Reinforces the fact that you should present as the authority of your audience and confident in your content. Present relevant information that engages your audience. Deliver excellence but don’t forget that you can still learn from others. Overall, a solid presentation especially for those that are just venturing into the world of working with brands and social media.”